kl:11,56 13|07|2012 Sawtalkurd
Today, with anger, concern, and condemnation, we received reports of continued killings, torture, arbitrary detentions, abductions, forced displacements and massacres using heavy weapons, armored vehicles, helicopters, and terrorist bombings by Assad militias, in addition to committing systematic and widespread violations of human rights against Syrian citizens. These violations are a flagrant deprivation of the Syrian people’s right to life, freedom of expression, peaceful demonstrating, while being subjected to arbitrary arrest, torture, forced displacement, and systemic destruction of some cities, neighborhoods, and historic sites. In addition to destroying and burning homes, forests, and crops to express barbarism, brutality, and extreme violence through shelling using artillery, heavy weapons, and helicopters to face the legitimate peaceful protests right in front of the entire world.
The number of those killed on Thursday, July 12, 2012, by Assad forces reached more than 343, among them many children and women. Of the fallen heroes, 250 were in Hama, most of whom were victims of a massacre in the town of Tremseh, 27 in Homs, 18 in Idlib, 16 in Damascus Suburbs, 12 in Damascus, 8 in Daraa, 8 in Deir EzZor, 3 in Aleppo, and one in Hasaka, not to mention tens of injured civilians, along with widespread arbitrary detention campaigns.
Here are the names of some of those who were killed and identified:
Ahmad Khalid Al-Isawyeh, 12 year old boy – Tremseh
Ghassan Al-Baraqi, 16 year old boy – Tremseh
Khalid Muhammad Al-Mahi, 6 year old boy – Tremseh
Muhammad Fawzi Al-Hussein, 17 years old – Tremseh
Manhal Abdelkareem Al-Darwish, 35 years old – Tremseh
Milad Abdelkareem Al-Darwish – Tremseh
Iyad Abdelkareem Al-Darwish – Tremseh
Khalid Al-Shamman, 36 years old – Tremseh
Nasser Al-Shamman, 32 years old – Tremseh
Ali Al-Shamman, 26 years old – Tremseh
Mahmoud Khalid Al-Naaes, 31 years old – Tremseh
Hussein Khalid Al-Naaes, 24 years old – Tremseh
Hussein Rabee Al-Hawari, 19 years old – Tremseh
Ahmad Yahya Al-Dalah, 19 years old – Tremseh
Ahmad Khalid Al-Boulad, 29 years old – Tremseh
Munsef Al-Naji, a doctor – Tremseh
Ahmad Hajak – Akran – Al-Jadidah
Unidentified person – Teezeen – Tremseh
Walid Muhammad Warda, 52 years old – Bustan Al-Saada neighborhood
Two unidentified people, bodies were found in the farms near Suran
Abdelhakim, Abo Omar – Joret Al-Shayyah
Sumaya Mustafa Idris – Gharnata – Rastan
Fatima Muhammad Ayoub – Gharnata – Rastan
Ihsan Hikmat Al-Khouli – Qusair
Muhammad Zaqreet – Qusair
Abdelrahman Al-Sabouri – Baba Amr
Rateb Al-Damkhali, 79 years old – Khaldiyeh
Imad Al-Habbal – Midan
Abdullah Al-Habbal – Midan
Rifaa Jandali Al-Rifai – Midan
Izam Dabdoob – Khaldiyeh
Munir Al-Sibai – Karm Al-Shami
Hussam Al-Younes – Khaldiyeh
Yousef Yakoub – Joret Al-Shayyah
Obaida Samir Al-Taleb – Karabees
Bilal Awamah – Bayada
Unidentified person – Joret Al-Shayyah
Abdelkhaleq Hakmi – Karabees
Muhammad Amin Walid Al-Sakka – Karabees
Abi Qutada Al-Ansari – Joret Al-Shayyah
Abo Omar Al-Ansari – Joret Al-Shayyah
Tagreed Zabateh – Rastan
Mahmoud Ahmad Farzat, a little boy – Rastan
Bilal Terkmani – Bab Draib
Maher Behar
Khalid Al-Shaar – Krak des Chevaliers
Damascus and Damascus Suburbs
Thaer Bin Ghassan Al-Asali – Jobar neighborhood
Muhammad Ihsan Al-Benni – Midan neighborhood
Yaseen Ismail Shehadeh Al-Khabouri – Bahatra Tribe – Hajar Aswad neighborhood
Moussa Tilaat Al-Khabouri – Bahatra Tribe – Hajar Aswad neighborhood
Anas Abdelkareem Muhammad – Kaaekat Tribe – Hajar Aswad neighborhood
Sabber Hamad – Jaatheen Tribe – Hajar Aswad neighborhood
Muhammad Al-Zoubi – Barzeh neighborhood
Maysoon Al-Rayyes – Barzeh neighborhood
Qamar Al-Zoubi – Barzeh neighborhood
Muhammad Naji, due to random shelling – Barzeh neighborhood
Three children from the Naji family and their mother – Barzeh neighborhood
Shadi Khoulani – Daraya
Baleegh Al-Mardini, 39 years old – Douma
Adnan Ammar – Zabadani
Muhammad Mustafa Shweki – Zamalka
A woman from the Ghaneem family – Yalda
Muhanad Kel El-Nas – Yalda
Nawras Sbenati – Yalda
Maher Al-Hamra – Saida Zainab
Fadi Al-Rifai – Saida Zainab
Mahmoud Farhan, a little boy – Saida Zainab
Abdullah Sabra – Saida Zainab
Muhammad Shekhouni, shot by security forces – Salah El-Deen
Ahmad Abdelqadder Al-Awss
Unidentified person
Deir EzZor
Ahmad Mashaan Ayoub, 42 years old – Al-Hari – Bokamal
Khliad Ghanem Al-Taha, Hamidiyeh neighborhood
Maamoun Ahmad Al-Jaloud, killed in Aleppo
Muhammad Al-Shlash, 55 year old engineer – Abo Odai
Aisha Ramadan, 6 year old girl
Maher Al-Behar, from Homs
Mahmoud Aatiya Al-Khalouf
Unidentified person
Ali Al-Foor – Tal Barak
Ibrahim Abdelrazzaq Al-Jundi – Jisr Al-Shughour
Abdelmoeen Abdelkareem Anoush – Mashmashan
Abdelrazzaq Al-Jundi – Jisr Al-Shughour
Ahmad Hajj Suleiman – Jisr Al-Shughour
Ramez Jamal Abo Kashef – Zawiyeh Mount – Al-Rami
Fayez Al-Terki – Sinjar – Mrejeb Al-Mashhad
Muhammad Fayez Al-Terki – Sinjar – Mrejeb Al-Mashhad
Wael Sheikh Ahmad – Saraqeb – Kafar Amim
Omar Khalid Al-Abdo, 35 years old – Zawiyeh Mount – Al-Rami
9 unidentified persons – Jisr Al-Shughour – Kafriya area
Fathi Khalid Al-Naimi – Daraa Al-Makheek
Fadi Al-Balakhi – Basra Al-Sham
Abdelhadi Abdelhafez Al-Awad, 20 years old – Sheikh Meskeen
Anas Abdellatif Al-Hajji, under torture by military security – Shajrah
Burhan Al-Zoubi – Kafarshams
Othman Ahmad Al-Daas Al-Halqi – Jassem
Yousef Ahmad Awda Al-Shalabi – Jassem
Unidentified person in the meadows near the town
We, in the Human Right Bureau of the Syrian National Council, extend our deepest condolences to the families of the fallen heroes, wishes for the speedy recovery of those wounded, and wishes for the release of the detained. We strongly condemn and denounce the behavior of the Assad regime in carrying out the violence, killing, massacres, and crimes against humanity, in addition to the arbitrary arrests, systemic torture, rape, forced displacement, and kidnappings in facing the peaceful protests and legitimate demands of the Syrian people who are expressing their desire for freedom and their legitimate rights in toppling the criminal regime that has been stripped of its legitimacy. We turn to human rights organizations, the Arab League, the Friends of Syria, and the UN Security Council, and plead with them and the rest of the free world to work immediately by pressuring the Assad regime for the purpose of achieving the following:
- Declare the failure of the UN monitors mission and Arab-International Kofi Annan plan, because of the regime’s lack of commitment; respond to the lack of commitment to the initiative by issuing more powerful and effective decisions along with clearer and more time-bound executive mechanisms pursuant to Chapter VII of the UN Charter to help the people in protecting civilians and ousting the regime by imposing a no-fly zone and establishing safe areas and buffers, and move to action rather than words in supporting the Free Syrian Army; seriously lobby with each of Iran, Russia, and China to take a more neutral position and stop its support of the criminal regime; move quickly to cover humanitarian needs of the Syrian people; aid and life the siege off the disaster stricken cities; expel all the regime’s diplomats and ambassadors and sever all diplomatic relations with the regime.
We also demand that the UN Security Council immediately adopts and implements the Human Rights Council’s latest decision regarding referring the file of the regime’s officials responsible for committing the crimes against humanity to the International Criminal Court and compelling the regime to accept that an international investigation committee investigates the massacres. We also plead with nations to which Syrians were forced to migrate to treat the Syrian people in a humane and decent manner worthy of humans who deserve freedom and dignity. Furthermore, we invite the international community to assist those countries which are hosting Syrian refugees.